During an interview with Downtown Music, cellist and self-proclaimed ’90s kid’ The Wong Janice discussed her passion for pop music, her experience dabbling with the guitar, taking piano lessons before finding her true instrument, and learning improvisation. Transitioning from a career in marketing to a career in meditation music, Janice’s biggest life lesson was realizing the barriers that prevent us from achieving our life-changing goals.
Janice began playing the piano at six years old, but discovered her love for the cello at the age of eight. She described the cello as her main instrument, drawn to its rich sound that closely resembles the human voice. Growing up in a Chinese household, it was common for Asian children to play piano and stringed instruments, leading Janice to choose the cello over the piano in her teenage years.
Her exposure to the orchestra during her childhood heavily influenced Janice’s musical journey, as her parents encouraged her to participate in the orchestra for the social aspect. At the age of thirteen, a pivotal moment occurred when a teacher introduced Janice to pop music, sparking her interest in playing the cello in a non-classical setting.
Despite facing rejection and criticism along the way, Janice persevered and pursued her passion for music. After a transformative experience at a Vipassana meditation course, she realized the power of overcoming personal reactions and freeing herself from suffering. This newfound mindset propelled Janice to pursue a career in music production, ultimately leading her to create meditative music albums and collaborate with distributors like CD Baby.
Through a process of self-discovery and elimination, Janice found her true calling as a cello artist, connecting her musical background to her spiritual journey. Embracing her cello as her path, Janice continues to create meditative music that resonates with listeners during calm and introspective moments. As a CD Baby Plus artist, she enjoys the freedom and efficiency of releasing her music on various platforms, showcasing her talent and passion for creating transformative musical experiences.
Janice, une artiste en quête de liberté
Janice, une artiste passionnée, ne cesse de créer de la musique pour ses fans. Elle partage son désir de les immerger dans un univers de liberté et de lâcher-prise. Après un voyage intérieur tumultueux, sa philosophie de vie est désormais de « laisser tomber la recherche constante du toujours plus ». Elle a réalisé que savoir quand arrêter de chercher des choses plus grandes et meilleures était essentiel, comme l’a révélé un cours de méditation.
Elle exprime son désir de continuer à produire de la musique pour se sentir libre, tout en offrant à ses auditeurs la possibilité de lâcher prise et d’être libres à leur tour. Janice incarne la fusion entre la musique et la liberté, offrant à son public une échappatoire vers un univers sonore empreint de douceur.
Plongée dans l’univers de la musique avec Downtown Music
L’interview exclusive de Janice par Downtown Music permet de découvrir les coulisses de l’industrie musicale et d’échanger avec les personnalités qui la façonnent. Chaque semaine, des entretiens exclusifs avec des cadres de l’industrie musicale, des artistes, des propriétaires de labels et des figures influentes sont proposés. Rejoignez cet univers captivant pour plonger au cœur du rythme de l’industrie musicale.